Magnum-X smart 2

with a replaceable protective hose
Magnum-X smart 2


Replaceable protective hose
Immediate recognisability of damaged sleeve hoses in signal colours
Tear-resistant sewn label with additional protective cover
Fitted with an RFID chip to store the product data
Extremely robust and compact round sling
Signal-coloured patch with superior woven load capacity indication


RFID transponder

Elect. test documentation and management system

The SpanSet premium heavy-duty round slings are fitted with an RFID transponder that is firmly integrated into the label, which – together with IDXpert – makes it easy for you to plan, carry out and document the regular inspections of work equipment.


Protective sleeve label

Optimally protected, reinforced with a lining

In addition to the tear-resistant design with a fabric lining, a robust plastic sleeve perfectly protects the writing from abrasion and dirt. In lifting gear fitted with an RFID transponder, the transponder is integrated into the protective sleeve and is tear-resistant.


Woven load capacity indicator

Easy to read even when dirty

Speed is often of the essence in everyday work. To make sure you always use the right round sling, the load capacity indicator is firmly woven into the sleeve and can be read even when the sling is very dirty.


Replaceable protective sleeve

Easily replaced in the event of damage.

The actual load-carrying round sling with a protective sleeve in the signal colour yellow lies underneath. Even minor damage to the outer sleeve is easy to see.


Compact cross-section

Compact thanks to improved production process

Thanks to the special matching of the sleeve and core, these round slings are very compact. The most important benefit: The compact round sling is not compressed in small crane hooks and the formation of creases is revented – creasing would decrease the strength and is therefore prohibited.